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Reptiles of the Granite Belt

There is a wide range of different reptile species that occur on the Granite Belt. They include snakes, skinks, lizards, geckos, dragons, monitors, legless lizards, pythons and turtles.



Freshwater turtles of the Granite Belt include:

  • Chelodina longicollis - Eastern snake-necked turtle (C)
  • Elseya cf bellii - Bald Rock Creek short-necked turtle (C)
  • Emydura macquarii - Murray turtle (C)
  • Emydura expansa


    Geckos of the Granite Belt include:

  • Gehyra dubia - Dubious dtella (C)
  • Heteronotia binoei - Bynoe�s prickly gecko (C)
  • Nephrurus sphyrurus - Thick-tailed gecko (R)
  • Oedura lesuerii - Lesueur�s velvet gecko (C)
  • Oedura tryoni - Southern spotted velvet gecko (C)
  • Saltuarius wyberba - Leaf-tailed gecko (R)

    Snake lizards (legless or flapfooted)

    Snake lizards of the Granite Belt include:

  • Lialis burtonis - Burton�s snake lizard (C)

    Monitors (goannas)

    Monitors of the Granite Belt include:

  • Varanus gouldii - Sand monitor (C)
  • Varanus varius - Lace monitor (C)


    Dragons of the Granite belt include:

  • Amphibolurus muricatus - Jacky lizard (C)
  • Amphibolurus nobbi - Nobbi dragon (C)
  • Physignathus lesueurii - Eastern water dragon (C)
  • Pogona barbata - Bearded dragon (C)


    Skinks of the Granite Belt include:

  • Anomalopus leuckartii - Two-clawed worm-skink (C)
  • Bassiana platynotum - Red-throated skink (C)
  • Calyptotis scutirostrum - Scute-snouted calyptotis (C)
  • Carlia foliorum - Tree-base litter-skink (C)
  • Carlia tetradactyla - Southern rainbow-skink (C)
  • Cryptoblepharus virgatus - Cream-striped shining skink (C)
  • Ctenotus eurydice - Brown-backed yellow-lined ctenotus (C)
  • Ctenotus robustus - Robust ctenotus (C)
  • Ctenotus taeniolatus - Copper-tailed skink (C)
  • Egernia cunninghami Cunningham�s skink (C)
  • Egernia modesta - A skink (C)
  • Egernia mcpheei - A rock skink (C)
  • Egernia whitii White�s skink (C)
  • Eulamprus martini - A barred-sided skink (C)
  • Eulamprus quoyii - Eastern water-skink (C)
  • Eulamprus tenuis - Barred-sided skink (C)
  • Lampropholis delicata - Dark-flecked garden sunskink (C)
  • Lampropholis guichenoti - Pale-flecked garden sunskink (C)
  • Lerista muelleri - Wood mulch-slider (C)
  • Morethia boulengeri - South-eastern morethia skink (C)
  • Saiphos equilis- Yellow-bellied three-toed skink (C)
  • Tiliqua scincoides - Eastern blue-tongued lizard (C)

    Blind snakes

    Blind snakes of the Granite Belt include:

  • Ramphotyphlops nigrescens - Blackish blind snake (C)


    Pythons that occur on the Granite Belt include:

  • Morelia spilota variegata - Carpet python (C)

    Colubrid snakes (non-venomous)

    Non-venomous snakes of the Granite Belt include:

  • Boiga irregularis - Eastern brown tree-snake (C)
  • Dendrelaphis punctulata - Green tree snake (C)

    Elapid snakes (venomous)

    Venomous snakes of the Granite Belt include:

  • Acanthophis antarcticus - Southern death adder (R)
  • Cacophis squamulosus - Golden-crowned snake (C)
  • Demansia psammophis - Yellow-faced whip snake (C)
  • Furina diadema - Red-naped snake (C)
  • Hemiaspis signata - Marsh snake (C)
  • Hoplocephalus stephensi Stephen�s banded snake (R)
  • Pseudechis porphyriacus - Red-bellied black snake (C)
  • Pseudonaja textilis - Eastern brown snake (C)
  • Rhinoplocephalus nigrescens - Eastern small-eyed snake (C)
  • Vermicella annulata - Bandy-bandy (C)

    Key: (C) - common, (E) - endangered, (V) - vulnerable

    Reference: Species List of Wildlife of Girraween National Park, 2004, EPA, QPWS, Brisbane