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Rescuing Echidnas

Rescuing Adult Echidnas


  • Only attempt a rescue of an adult echidna if it is obviously injured or has signs of disease.  Adult echidnas do wander along, but they may have young in a burrow nearby.

  • If a rescue is necessary, ensure you are wearing sturdy, heavy duty gloves and follow one of the following three procedures:

  1:  Grasp the animal's back legs firmly and lift

  2:  Position a blunt-ended stick under the animal and gently lift

  3:  Cover the animal with a very thick blanket or towel and lift



  • Place the animal in a sturdy transport container, preferably a cage with a well fitting clasp, but a box or garbage bin would do.
  • Transport immediately to veterinary care.
  • If the animal has dug itself into a hold in the ground, or wedged itself into a difficult to get at spot, best to leave the animal to come out of it's own accord. You could do further damage if you force the animal out of these situations.

    Rescuing Puggles (baby echidnas)

  • When a puggle is 50 days old, the mother will kick it out of the pouch and house the puggle in a burrow while they go out searching for food.

  • If you come across a burrow of puggles, keep an eye on them for 24 hrs to see if the adult is returning.

  • Only attempt a rescue of a puggle if you are absolutely sure there is no adult nearby or that the puggle is suffering from an injury or disease.

  • Ensure you call an experienced wildlife carer for advice.


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    Echidnas Echidnas Echidnas Echidnas

